On June 19, 2022, a fire occurred at the Old Hall of Records building located at 172 W 3rd St.  The building – a 6 story structure located in the superblock of San Bernardino was engulfed in flames on the fourth floor. Being Father’s Day, most Facilities Management employees were busy and unable to come in.  Don Halstead, Joe Sousa, Carlos Gamez, Miguel Albineda, Phil Rubino, and Jennifer Costa all arrived on-scene to access and address.  The team developed a plan which included notifications to tenants of the building, and isolation of electrical power and domestic water from the damaged structure. Additional security measures put in place included additional temporary barricades, boarding up of all impacted entrances to ensure building security and retained a 24/7 security guard.  The team continued to work on various facets of this fire through the holiday weekend.

The Old Hall of Records building has fire damage.