The County Library team recently requested Facilities Management’s help with the installation of cutting-edge technology…
Facilities Management provides routine maintenance, grounds, and custodial services to ensure County facilities are well maintained, including 24 hours per day – seven days per week emergency building maintenance. Services also include repairing building structures, equipment, and fixtures. FM’s focus is on asset protection. FM is also responsible for minor Capital Improvement Projects and minor remodel projects to support the County employees’ work sites. Using data and support systems, it maintains the County’s valuable facilities and equipment, preserves a high level of functionality, supports sustainability projects, and promotes responsible and efficient use of resources.
Archibus is an Integrated Workplace Management System. It is designed for County employees to submit, review and track work requests. As our facilities team members face greater demands to cultivate a productive, efficient, mindful workplace, Archibus has many features that connect County departments with the Facilities Management team.
Notable Projects
Facilities Management received a request to clear a vacant County-owned parcel along a major flood control channel near Pacific High School, in San Bernardino. The project involved removing all trees,…
Facilities Management completed the build-back of the Sheriff’s Headquarters 2nd floor Intelligence Room. The work…
The Project and Facilities Management Department hosted a booth at this year’s Take your Child…